It's an exciting Spring with a lot happening! Changes in food service, open-mic format, a Kölsch special, Sausage Fest and more... You may have noticed something different lately in the Working Hands taproom...
The kitchen lights are out and no one is back there. Don’t worry, we’ll have food soon - the plan is in place. Please pardon our progress. We are currently undergoing some configuration changes and waiting for licensing to start providing our own food for all of our beloved and loyal customers. We love Deb’s and we love Ryan, but it was time to take on the kitchen ourselves. Thank you for your great service, Ryan! And thank you, patrons, for your patience and understanding; shouldn’t be long...We also bid adieu to our open-mic host Tim, who led the charge onstage every Sunday for all the shredders and singers. Thanks, Tim! Open-mic will continue with more of a DIY clipboard signup format. All formats and styles welcome and encouraged.
Recurring Events
Music Bingo: May 1, for British Invasion Music Bingo! (First Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm, free to play.)
Thursdays, 7 p.m.: Team Trivia ($5/person, 6 people/team)
Sundays, 6:30 p.m.: Open Mic (free)
Live Music (never a cover charge!) 7:30-9:30 p.m.
May 4: A Town Called Home
May 11: Gina Denoble
May 17: Chasing Ebenezer
May 18: Just Clark
May 24: Andy Crosby
May 25: Noah Kite
Specialty event:
Hello Friday Kölsch is now happy hour priced all day every Friday
June 1: SAUSAGE FEST 2024! Come join us out back for our annual spring party with sausage, live music, cold beverages and good times!
What's on tap:
1516 Munich Dunkel on side-pull
Banshee Irish Red Lager
Big Egos IPA
Freshet Helles Lager on side-pull
Hello Friday Kölsch
Howling Mad Baltic Porter
Lite Work American Light Lager
Origin Story Pilsner
Trust Funder Double IPA
Farmhand Dry, Traditional-style
Odd Job Dry, Heirloom Dry Blend
Overlord Norman-style, semi-sweet, funky
Pastime Perry Pear cider
PTO Mango/passionfruit blend
Other drinks available:
The Undertow limited-edition bottles
N/A beverage options available
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