Embrace the essence of spring at Working Hands with live music serenading your evenings, and our outdoor seating on sunny afternoons. We promise no green beer this Saint Patrick's Day, but if you do want to learn an Irish Jig, we're offering a dance class on March 16.
Recurring Events
Music Bingo: March Music Bingo has been postponed. Please join us next month, April 3, for Girl Groups Music Bingo! (First Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm, free to play.)
Pint of Science: Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30p.m. All-ages science “cafe” in your neighborhood. Learn what’s new in science, no prior knowledge necessary. (Third Wednesday of the month.)
Thursdays, 7 p.m.: Team Trivia ($5/person, 6 people/team)
Sundays, 6:30 p.m.: Open Mic (free)
Live Music (never a cover charge!) 7:30-9:30 p.m.
March 2 Ten Spiders
March 9 Andy Crosby
March 15 Sunny Pache
March 16 The Hazelnuts
March 23 Katelyn Convery
March 29 Megan Alder
March 30 Angelic Noise
Specialty event:
Irish Dancing, March 16, from 6-7p.m.
What's on tap:
1516 Munich Dunkel on side-pull
Exit 69 Cold IPA
Freshet Helles Lager on side-pull
Hello Friday Kolsch
Howling Mad Baltic Porter
Lite Work American Light Lager
Origin Story German Pilsner
Bright Side Apricot/Honey Blend
Gold Digger Dry Cherry
Odd Job Heirloom Dry Blend
Overlord Norman-style semi-sweet
Other drinks available:
The Undertow limited-edition bottles
N/A beverage options available
Deb's Kitchen is in full swing with pub fare
2-10pm Wednesday-Friday
2-10pm Saturday/Sunday
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